Spiritual growth and worship are a vital part of the Academy’s philosophy and purpose.
High School and Middle School Chapels
Led in worship by the Student Praise Team - comprised of their peers, students not only enjoy a time of corporate worship, but also a time to be fed from the Word of God by a dynamic and thought-provoking speaker.
Led in worship by the Student Praise Team - comprised of their peers, students not only enjoy a time of corporate worship, but also a time to be fed from the Word of God by a dynamic and thought-provoking speaker.
High school and middle school students attend chapel once each week. Middle school students separate into small groups once each quarter for discussions. This is a time when small groups of students sit and talk with a teacher/mentor who helps facilitate discussion and guides them with wisdom from God’s Word.
Elementary Chapels
Chapel mornings are a special time for ag亚游集团官方网站app students and faculty. It is a time that we all come together to pray and worship and learn from God’s Word. Just bringing all of our Kindergarten through 5th grade students together in the Worship Center creates energy and excitement! During Chapel services, the 5th grade students lead our TK-5 student body in pledges to our flags and the Bible. One of our 5th graders leads us in prayer. Each grade level stands together and recites a Bible verse they have worked to memorize.
Chapel mornings are a special time for ag亚游集团官方网站app students and faculty. It is a time that we all come together to pray and worship and learn from God’s Word. Just bringing all of our Kindergarten through 5th grade students together in the Worship Center creates energy and excitement! During Chapel services, the 5th grade students lead our TK-5 student body in pledges to our flags and the Bible. One of our 5th graders leads us in prayer. Each grade level stands together and recites a Bible verse they have worked to memorize.
Mr. Kirk Oakley, one of our 1st grade teachers, leads the students and faculty in a time of worship and praise through music. Sometimes our songs are “high-energy,” such as when we go to “The Hop;” and at other times, our songs are more reflective of who God is and what He has done.
Special Guests
Each Chapel service is blessed by a special guest, ranging from local children’s pastors and youth leaders to visitors from other countries. With so many diverse kinds of speakers, we never know if we will have an object lesson, a video presentation, a drama, or some other form of creative ministry. The two things that all of our guests have in common is that they love God and they love sharing God with others!
Each Chapel service is blessed by a special guest, ranging from local children’s pastors and youth leaders to visitors from other countries. With so many diverse kinds of speakers, we never know if we will have an object lesson, a video presentation, a drama, or some other form of creative ministry. The two things that all of our guests have in common is that they love God and they love sharing God with others!
In addition to the great time of worship and learning that we experience during Chapel services, elementary students bring their offerings to chapel to help mission efforts around the world. Some students bring whatever change they had that day. Others have had lemonade sales or performed chores to raise an offering. Through all of their giving last year, we have supported Bright Star Academy in Kenya. The offering has been used to purchase food for their students so they will come to school and learn about God.
In addition to the great time of worship and learning that we experience during Chapel services, elementary students bring their offerings to chapel to help mission efforts around the world. Some students bring whatever change they had that day. Others have had lemonade sales or performed chores to raise an offering. Through all of their giving last year, we have supported Bright Star Academy in Kenya. The offering has been used to purchase food for their students so they will come to school and learn about God.
Each year, we experience a number of students making a decision to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior or follow Him in baptism through their local church. Our students have been greatly impacted by the Word as delivered by our many guests, as we find that children’s hearts are receptive to God’s voice.
Each year, we experience a number of students making a decision to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior or follow Him in baptism through their local church. Our students have been greatly impacted by the Word as delivered by our many guests, as we find that children’s hearts are receptive to God’s voice.
Parents and Guests
Parents and other guests are always welcome to come and experience Chapel with our students and faculty. You can check our calendar on the webpage for dates and times. We meet in the Worship Center and our chapel service will last about 45 minutes. We look forward to seeing you there!
Parents and other guests are always welcome to come and experience Chapel with our students and faculty. You can check our calendar on the webpage for dates and times. We meet in the Worship Center and our chapel service will last about 45 minutes. We look forward to seeing you there!