Parent Involvement
Partnering with our Cougar families is part of what makes our school truly feel like a family. Through involvement both on-campus and virtually, parents have the opportunity to be as hands-on as they wish. We appreciate the servant leadership of our family volunteers!
Volunteer Opportunities Throughout the Year
- All Pro Dad - monthly dad and child devotional meetings
- Parent Teacher Fellowship - works to help shower our teachers with love and appreciation
- Grandparents' Day
- Fine Arts Volunteer Opportunities - assisting with concerts, art shows, etc
- Fundraising Event Opportunities - Cougar Cup, Cougarthon, Auction, etc
- Boosters Club Volunteers
- Parent Testimonials - video/quotes, etc
- High School Parent Volunteer Opportunities - dates vary throughout the year
- Preschool Parent Volunteer Opportunities - dates vary throughout the year
- Field Days - occur in May
For more information regarding how our families can become involved, email Jenn Lambert at We invite parents and grandparents from all divisions to join our Cougar Crew Volunteer Group!
ag亚游集团官方网站app Cougar Boosters
The purpose of the Cougar Boosters is to provide support for the extracurricular activities of the fine arts, athletics, and technology programs of High Point Christian Academy. We are enthusiastic about transforming the lives of our students and we want to help them mature as they develop their God-given talents and abilities. We strive to partner in attaining this goal through your support and service.
The Cougar Boosters will strive to provide items to support the extracurricular activities of ag亚游集团官方网站app such as fine arts, athletics, and technology programs. In order to provide a generous level of support, we need everyone’s involvement. It is not necessary for you to have a student currently participating in the fine arts or athletics to make a difference both now and in the future. Join the ag亚游集团官方网站app Boosters today and start a strong tradition of support for High Point Christian Academy extracurricular activities. The ag亚游集团官方网站app Boosters will provide opportunities of servanthood and ways to assist in all aspects of your child’s school life. We are all blessed with a tremendous school and, as parents, we can make an impact with our service.