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International Students
Thank you for your interest in the International Program at ag亚游集团官方网站app.  We are committed to Christ-centered, quality education and academic excellence in partnership with family and church within a loving, caring atmosphere.  If pursuing this goal is the desire of the student and his/her family, we will have an effective partnership, thus allowing us to develop a cooperative team effort.
ag亚游集团官方网站app International Students Powerpoint
Information about our academics, technology, fine arts, athletics, and community.
ag亚游集团官方网站app is an F-1 approved school.  Students are accepted from around the world to learn, study, and share life in the hospitality and security of an American, Christian home.  Students from Brazil, Burma, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Nigeria, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan and Vietnam have become ag亚游集团官方网站app Cougars, graduating and continuing their education at top American universities.
To ensure a smooth, prepared, and successful transition to American culture and school, ag亚游集团官方网站app interviews international students who apply via an international educational placement agency.  Approximately 6% of Academy high school students are international students who have come to ag亚游集团官方网站app through CS Educational, EduKorea, Global Horizons, Nacel Open Door, PSE, and TBI agencies.  We also consider international students that come independently, on a case by case basis.
An interview with the International Student Coordinator is arranged once the required information for admission has been submitted. 
ag亚游集团官方网站app School Profile 2023
International Student section of High School Handbook
2024 - 2025 International Tuition Schedule

International Tuition Rate Information Link

Application fee (due with application before interview)  - $150
Registration fee (due with enrollment before I-20 is issued)  - $250
Documents fee (due with enrollment before I-20 is issued) -  $250
Tuition** -  $16,250
TOTAL  - $16,900
*These rates do not include homestay stipend or health insurance if provided by ag亚游集团官方网站app. You will need to contact Page Curlee, international student coordinator, for these rates.
*Insurance cost is subject to change
** Tuition includes: school lunch, workbooks, text book rental, international club fee, high school study lab (if determined to be needed), facility fee, technology fee (including 1:1 Chromebook rental), science/computer lab, PSAT fee (9-11), Pre-ACT fee (9-10), school year book, SMART account fee
Additional Fees
Tutoring: The cost for tutoring for students on academic probation, or who need additional help and any special testing for learning disabilities, etc., is the responsibility of the parents.
Withdrawal fee: Students who withdraw any time between July 1 and May 31 will be assessed a $1,500 withdrawal fee as well as be responsible for paying the full semester’s tuition for any semester in which the student attends one school day.
Other optional fees that are not included in the above amount are as follows:
  • Athletic fees – $100 per varsity sport + extra team clothing (differs by each team, usually is optional)
  • Class fees (there are a few classes that, if taken, have additional fees) – $50-$150
  • Trip fees (some classes have mandatory outside trips, for example senior class trip, chorus and band trips, advanced PE trip, etc.) – $200-$500
  1. ag亚游集团官方网站app International Student Application
  2. Signed International Student Agreement
  3. Proof of Required Immunizations (See Guidelines)
  4. Two Teacher Reference Letters
  5. Agency Application, if applicable
  6. English Proficiency Test (not SLEP)
  7. Financial Statement
  8. Middle and high school transcripts (translated into English)
  9. Current physical or health exam
Mrs. Stephanie Davis
International Student Coordinator 