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GOAL ONE - Kingdom Education Commitment that leads to life-long Christ-centeredness
  • Kingdom Diversity
    • An emphasis on accepting Jesus Christ as Lord, coupled with the command of Matthew 22 and vision of Revelation 7 will help our students and community to realize and embrace the individual differences God has created in each person - gender (male and female), race, age and ability, culture, and economic status.
  • Kingdom Parenting
    • ag亚游集团官方网站app will partner with families, Green Street Baptist Church, and other like-minded area churches to provide enrichment opportunities through online streaming services (RightNow Ministries) and offer in person biblically based training sessions for topics for parents such as parents role in discipleship, cell phone usage, raising teenagers, anxiety, vaping/drugs, purity in sexual relations, etc.
    • Mental health services provided from a biblical worldview for students of all ages in partnership with their parents (anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc.)
  • Faith Formation Events for students, families, and alumni
    • Organize and hold prayer groups, retreats, ag亚游集团官方网站app services, small groups for students, individualized chapels, international and domestic mission trips, community involvement, and alumni council events.
  • Professional development training in areas of evangelism, mentoring, biblical integration, and discipleship for administrators, teachers, support staff, and coaches.
GOAL TWO - Curriculum, Technology, and Instruction that leads to academic excellence
  • Resource Programs (Preschool - High School)
    • Teacher trainings (teaching methods, interactive learning, best practices for diverse learners, etc.)
    • Meeting the needs of the students where they are academically (i.e. possible expansion of resource program)
  • Fine Arts
    • Enhance the robustness of our Fine Arts Department by expanding the current Drama Program and ensuring a systematic vision across all divisions.
  • Foreign Language
    • Evaluate current classes to ensure a quality Spanish program
    • Explore other language opportunities and programs for students
  • Curriculum and Technology Training
    • Classroom and age-level appropriate training opportunities for teachers to ensure teaching best practices are utilized
    • Evaluate technology curriculum and course offerings to ensure relevant content (coding, programming, STEM classes, etc.)
      Intentional curriculum oversight for preschool through high school


GOAL THREE - Facility Development to provide a quality on-campus experience for our community
  • Build a gymnasium adjacent to the high school
  • Enhance preschool and early elementary playgrounds
  • Investigate the utilization of green space on our campus for preschool - middle school students
  • Utilize shared spaces effectively with Green Street Baptist Church to steward our resources
GOAL FOUR - Financial Resilience to provide long-term successful operations
  • Identify and engage donors and potential donors to increase giving and support annually.
    • Promote/solicit funding for Mickie Gable Financial Aid Fund
    • Increase K.M. Vestal Annual Funding
    • “It Happens Now” Capital Campaign 
    • Engage and connect with alumni donors
  • Continue to minimize debt even as we enhance our programs by adding new facilities
  • Admissions
    • Have a concerted focus ensuring our new families are connected
    • Develop strategies to keep tuition affordable
    • Maintain the ag亚游集团官方网站app Preschool program as a strong foundation of rising elementary students.
  • Attract and retain highly qualified faculty and staff by enhancing the compensation package