Varsity Boys Golf Head Coach
Varsity Baseball Assistant Coach
JV Baseball Assistant Coach
Varsity Girls Soccer Assistant Coach
ag亚游集团官方网站app Hiring Contacts:
PRESCHOOL – Teachers and Teacher Assistants; Suzanne Couillard, scouillard@soundupgrades.net
ELEMENTARY – Teachers, Teacher Assistants, Substitutes for TK-12; Scott Prohaska, sprohaska@soundupgrades.net
MIDDLE SCHOOL - Teachers - Dave Walker, dwalker@soundupgrades.net
HIGH SCHOOL – Teachers - Willie Guida, wguida@soundupgrades.net
ADMINISTRATION – Administrative Staff; Jeremy Blackstock, jblackstock@soundupgrades.net
ATHLETICS – Corey Gesell, cgesell@soundupgrades.net
Employment at High Point Christian Academy is open to qualified individuals who are Christians in good character. ag亚游集团官方网站app does not discriminate in employment, or in the terms or conditions of employment, on the basis of race, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, age, or disability. ag亚游集团官方网站app is a religious educational ministry, permitted to utilize religion as an employment criteria. All prospective and current employees must agree with ag亚游集团官方网站app’s mission statement, and they must be willing to conduct their lives in conformity with the school’s statement of faith and the school’s declaration and agreement to ethical and moral integrity.
Transparency in Coverage: http://transparency-in-coverage.uhc.com/